Based on the silent movie of the same name, Robert Eggers offers a visually impactful retelling of the gothic story...
The new thriller directed by Edward Berger portrays the disagreements within the Church on how to present itself in these modern times...
After the huge success that was Inside-Out 2, it seemed like Disney was ready to return to the good old days. Maybe it was too soon to get excited...
A short and random list of horror films that I don't think I'll ever revisit, to close the year...
Director Parker Finn brings the fear to new levels with the sequel to his 2022 success...
We thought Madame Web was bad, but Sony had yet another jewel ready for us to close 2024...
Aside from Wicked, musicals have taken a beat this year. But this film by French director Jacques Audiard must be the worst crime so far. ...
Andrew Garfield and Florence Pugh play the main couple in this romantic-drama directed by John Crowley...
This coproduction between the United States and Japan takes inspiration from Peter Jackson's famous adaptations of J.R.R. Tolkien's work...
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Just as with Puss in Boots: The Last Wish in 2022, DreamWorks surprises us by delivering one of the best animated films of the last few years. Here is why you should not miss The Wild Robot...
Sequel to the success of 2019, Folie à Deux was one of the most anticipated films of the year. Sadly, it fell rather short of everything that made its predecessor wonderful...
A standalone sequel to that 90s box office hit starring Helen Hunt and Bill Paxton, Twisters has become one of the surprises of the season...
Released in April of this year, Civil War generated a conversation about the increasing social polarization and the consequences it can have in the future...
A small tour through the film works of the famous Hollywood couple...
Will Gluck's new romantic comedy is another proof that modern cinema can always fall lower...