
Movie Reviews

Horror on TV in “Late Night With the Devil”

Directed by Colin and Cameron Cairnes, this low-budget horror film has received plenty of good reviews from critics and audiences...

“Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice”: A Cult Classic Brought Back From The Afterlife

Thirty-six years after the events of the original film, someone says Beetlejuice's name three times again. This sequel, directed by Tim Burton and featuring part of the original cast, landed in...

“The Crow”: Disrespecting Classics Again

Based on the 1994 film, starring Brandon Lee, the reboot of The Crow has been one of the biggest box office flops of the year...


“Mad Max: Did Modern Hollywood Just Kill Another Franchise?”

The release of Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga has brought the franchise back into the spotlight. But has the outcome been positive?...

“Ghostbusters”: A Franchise in Need of Retirement

The iconic 80s franchise has made some attempts to rekindle its success in the last decade, but without success...

Fantastic Beasts: The Rise and Fall of a Franchise

In 2016, the Harry Potter spin-off announced with great fanfare a return to the beloved Wizarding World. But a few years later, little has been left of what promised to be the next big Hollywood...


Top 10 Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers Movies

A small tour through the film works of the famous Hollywood couple...

Family Corner

Family Corner #1: “Over the Hedge”

Family Corner #1: “Over the Hedge” Almost two decades ago, DreamWorks released one of my favorite childhood movies. Let me introduce you to Over the Hedge, a story made for the whole family to enjoy...

The Greyhound Recommends

Horror on TV in “Late Night With the Devil”

Directed by Colin and Cameron Cairnes, this low-budget horror film has received plenty of good reviews from critics and audiences...

“Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice”: A Cult Classic Brought Back From The Afterlife

Thirty-six years after the events of the original film, someone says Beetlejuice's name three times again. This sequel, directed by Tim Burton and featuring part of the original cast, landed in...

“The Crow”: Disrespecting Classics Again

Based on the 1994 film, starring Brandon Lee, the reboot of The Crow has been one of the biggest box office flops of the year...
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